General Questions
- Do you recommend taking vitamin D daily, and if so for how long? Should it only to be taken in the winter or year round in the cities with changing seasons?
- How long should I take Digestive Feel Good Enzymes and Feel Good Detoxy? Are they necessary after a long period of clean eating? What does your supplement routine look like?
- Can I take your supplements while pregnant?
- I am in the process of growing out my hair so that it becomes long, healthy, and strong. I read that on top of eating healthy, experts recommend taking supplements to support hair growth and vitality. I am wondering what you recommend. Do you recommend taking Viviscal or flax oil tablets or biotin tablets or vitamin B complex or a combination of these?
- If I eat plenty of fruits and vegetables is a multivitamin supplement still necessary? If so, is there one you recommend?
- What if I cannot swallow the capsules??
- What is the shelf life of your supplements?
- Do they contain gluten?
- Is the plastic used in your packaging recyclable?
- Is it non-GMO?
- What if I have questions about my order?